Wednesday 21 July 2010

Call that creativity?

I'm annoyed by petty things, two petty things to be precise. The signs at either end of one of my favourite town. Hebden Bridge.

So FIVE HUNDRED years of fine-tuning creativity and they can't even come up with a design for a sign which fits the words on it?? I've probably missed the point here, but it's a good job I keep on failing my driving test because I'd probably ram this sign because it annoys me so much.

And where is the hyphen? Would it have cost that much more? Was that when they ran out of budget?


And then I've just about calmed down when I get presented with this one leaving the town:

Boasting five hundred years of creativity and they not only come up with a sign which doesn't fit all the words on, but to top it off they waste money on a sign which just ruins any kind of enjoyment you might have had going through a nice country town, unspoiled by the ugliness of modernisation and a town which has refused to jump on so many distasteful bandwagons.

I'm going to go back in the middle of the night and write "Like, totally LOL" on the bottom, see how they like that!

Grumble grumble...


  1. Of course Hebden Bridge is going to be SO Hebden Bridge, it’s really the most "Hebden Bridge" place there is, with it being Hebden Bridge and everything. If they'd put "that was SO Milton Keynes" now that would have been a bloody achievement with crowing about!

  2. "worth" crowing about...

  3. This blog is da bomb!

  4. The bridge in those signs looks like a bat.

  5. Thought the bridge pic looked more like a dinosaur - one of those ones with the long necks - Diplodocus (yes, Googled it)

  6. It's definitely a really depressed dinosaur.
