Wednesday 30 September 2009

Do you believe in fairy's ???

No I don't!

I believe in FAIRIES.

I also believe in the benefits of checking the spelling on things before I sell them. Admittedly babies probably don't read what's on their nightwear, but parents do.


Yes, we should all support disability equality, but does that extend to those with the inability to use proper words?

Probably it does.

Well it does if you work for the Voluntary Arts Organisation anyway...



  1. Yes, it is shocking. It always suprises me how signwriters are often clueless in this respect. What goes on their careers advisors' heads?

    "Right, you're ok at design, you can't spell and you're shit at grammar - Have you thought about becoming a signwriter?"

  2. Yeah Billy you're so right. It makes me think I'm overqualified! Mind you, I'm pretty hopeless at using colons so maybe I'll be ok if I show that off?
