Tuesday 19 January 2010

Get your Roxxx off ...

OH MY GOD. This is not real surely? The "Roxxxy" Sexbot.

"She" is a life-size robot, which you can customise with different looks, boob-size and personalities. You can opt for Frigid Farrah, Wild Wendy or probably flaming S&M Susan or something.

But don't go thinking that it's just a sex toy for the rich or a very expensive stag party accessory. Oh No! She has a personality you know. She's a life companion, according to the makers.

OH COME ON!! I probably don't need to say any more. Do I? You're all intelligent people aren't you? Ah, but I can't help ranting on about it... here goes...

She has a personality, she can hear you and respond to you. Except she can only respond with the things which you'd already programmed her to say, so where's the reality in that?
"We are trying to replicate a personality of a person." so say the makers. You can't program a personality, she's just a glorified washing machine with boobs and a sluttish dress sense, that doesn't amount to personality.

She's "anatomically-correct" with a mechanical heart that powers a liquid cooling system.(so she is a sex toy then? self-cooling huh??) and she has an articulated skeleton that can move like a person but cannot walk or independently move its limbs. So she's not like a real girlfriend at all then, because she has no free will and won't ever argue and will do exactly what you want, say what you want and can't go anywhere.

Apparently the makers see her as a companion for people who are not confident enough with girls. Yes well I can see how the experience of being with a robot will really help them to be able to talk to real girls when they finally get out more. Yes boys, girls will really do exactly what you say and think exactly what you want them to think. Plus they won't be freaked out at all by the other girlfriend you have stowed in the wardrobe.

God I'm almost feeling outraged enough to start a robot rights movement!

Also, don't these nerds learn anything from the lessons which sci-fi has taught them? That sexy lady Terminator was really mean and Buffy the Vampire Slayer completely kicked the arses of anyone who made a sexbot on her patch. They'd better watch out!

Ha, but don't worry ladies can get in on the act too, a male sex robot named Rocky is in development...

For full details = http://www.technewsworld.com/story/Roxxxy-Sexbot-Its-Not-Her-Looks-Its-Her-Personalities-69076.html?wlc=1263465089

Hey followers...

Oh blimey, I have some followers. Does that mean I have to do anything special? Clever? Meaningful?

I hope not.

I might have a little rant. On occasion.

Will that do?